Merila za razvrščanje statusa izdelka so razvrščena po nekaterih parametrih. V skladu s temi lahko stroje uvrstimo med:
Our used spare parts offer a wide selection of original parts and assemblies for those looking for spare parts inspected and prepared to install on their equipment. They are an excellent alternative for equipment in which an immediate quality solution is needed at an affordable price, since all spare parts are checked by our specialist technicians.
Like new
In our category of like new spare parts, you will find a wide variety of original parts and components that have had a very limited time of use, so they do not need to be reconditioned to offer maximum performance. For this reason, the expected useful life is very similar to that of a new component, with excellent performance and reliability.
Our reconditioned components are a great alternative that guarantee optimal performance according to the manufacturer's specifications at an unbeatable price. These components are reconditioned by highly qualified technicians and are immediately available, making them an ideal option to minimize equipment downtime.

Calle Latón, 2
Izračunajte stroške logistike
Do vaše trenutne lokacijeFinanzauto
Calle Latón, 2
28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid)
Ponedeljek 8.00 - 17.00
torek 8.00 - 17.00
Sreda 8.00 - 17.00
četrtek 8.00 - 17.00
Petek 8.00 - 15.00
sobota zaprto
nedelja zaprto
Kraj dostave
Calle Latón, 2
Približna cena prevoza
Do navedene lokacije izračun stroškov ni mogoč.
Za več informacij o logističnih stroških nas kontaktirajte.
Drugi deli
365B II
24 kg
- €
Rezervni deli
Podobni izdelki